
Netgear R7800 "hnyman" firmware

Pinboard (jm)
33 posts last month
OpenWRT-derived firmware for the (venerable but now classic) Netgear R7800 router/AP, which supports high bandwidth rates via hardware offload, with the addition of bufferbloat-defeating SQM traffic shaping (which the stock firmware can't handle). Also includes Adblock, wireguard, 6in4/6to4/6rd IPv6 NAT, and the LuCi GUI. Might have to give this a…

AI Search Has A Citation Problem

Pinboard (jm)
33 posts last month
LOL, these are terrible results.
We randomly selected ten articles from each publisher, then manually selected direct excerpts from those articles for use in our queries. After providing each chatbot with the selected excerpts, we asked it to identify the corresponding article’s headline, original publisher, publication date, and URL [...]…

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