If we backtrack to the foundation of our discipline, we’ll land on what testing and design have in common: the pursuit of sustainable software.
Writing a list is a little bit like getting started and a little bit like letting go.
Leí, días pasados, que el hombre que ordenó la edificación de la casi infinita muralla china fue aquel primer emperador, Shih Huang Ti, que asimismo dispuso que se quemaran todos los libros anteriores a él1. Que las dos vastas operaciones —las quinientas a seiscientas leguas de piedra opuestas a los…
The product of software development is not code but a mental model, a theory: a specific way of explaining the world.
I posit that it’s statistically unlikely for an engineer to get a job working on a system that isn’t either imaginary or legacy software. There is no middle ground.